Monday, 1 June 2015

Isla de la Plata a.k.a "the poor man's Galapagos"

Ecuador is home to the world famous Galapagos Islands. Unfortunately, they were well out of our price range. We instead opted for a trip out to Isla de la Plata a.k.a "the poor man's Galapagos". It has a few of the same bird species, including the blue foot boobies, albatross, and frigate birds (the males have a huge red neck balloon they can inflate to impress the ladies). There are none of the lizards, tortoises, or penguins you would get at the more famous islands. We did spot a couple humpback whales and a bunch of green turtles on the way out there.
Ecuador also gets some reasonable surf. Montanita is supposed to be one of the best breaks in the country, as well as having a beachside "cocktail alley". However Torrey found the nearby, and much quieter, Ayampe to his liking.

We also visited a petrified forest before we missioned into Peru. There were plenty of trees lying around that had turned into solid rock, through some kind of geological process that we never did quite figure out when trying to translate the signs. Very cool though, and lots of wildlife on the way, including a cornucopia of mariposas (butterflies) and a solitary zorro (fox).

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