Monday, 16 March 2015

Rest of Nicaragua

Some other photos we have scrounged from the Nicaragua archives.

First up, Volcan Masaya. A very active volcano in Nicaragua's oldest national park. The recommended stay at the crater is five minutes due to the huge volume of sulphuric smoke being pumped out. Someone said that it is one of the world's greatest natural sources of greenhouse gas. Maybe someone could Google that and let me know if it is true. There are also some unusual parrots that have adapted to the toxic gases in the crater, and live below the rim (we didn't actually see them, Kellie took a sweet photo of a vulture though, see below).

We also highly recommend Lago Apoyo, a beautiful and unpolluted lake near Granada... unpolluted lakes can sometimes be hard to come by in central america. We spent a very lazy couple of days here. Torrey was doing his best to stream the cricket, settling for cricinfo text updates at times, while the Blackcaps made their historic march through to the cricket world cup finals.

We rounded out our trip with a visit to Playa Gigante on the Pacific Coast. Torrey found himself some waves here, a fairly heavy beach break called Colorado, one hours walk north of Gigante. (We didn't actually get any photos here, sorry! You can blame the thugs who broke into the van- they didn't get our camera, but they did get the charger.)

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