Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Spanish 101

Since we dropped ourselves in the deep end of the espanol pool with no training, we are rapidly trying to learn spanish. Here are a few crucial phrases you can use, should you find yourself in a spanish speaking country and need to take care of business:

1) Estoy apprendiendo espanol - I am learning Spanish (I think this is more proactive than "no hablo espanol")

2) Mas despacio por favor - <say that> more slowly please

3) Todo bien - sweet as

4) Como se dice...... - how do you say......<in Spanish>

5) Estoy lleno - I am full (handy if your new Mexican family is feeding you too much)

6) Es segura? - is it safe? (can be used in conjunction with your index finger and a road map)

7) Necessito una cerveza - I need a beer (conveys more urgency than "una cerveza por favor" - one beer please)

8) Estamos conduciendo a Argentina - we are driving to Argentina.

Kellie and I are going to try to speak only Spanish to each other tomorrow. We really need to do some kind of formal training though.

Hmmm need a picture to go with this post...here is a picture of my beautiful girlfriend happily eating ceviche
on the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Kellie you look tanned, glowing and gorgeous! Full on holiday mode :)
