We ran into some mechanical trouble lately, nothing serious, but we had to stay a few days longer than expected west of Lake Atitlan. We visited mechanics in places with improbably long names such as Chichicastenango and Quetzaltenango. In the end we got a seal replaced in our real axle which has stopped oil pissing out over the brakes - this is a good thing.
First we visited the famous market town of Chichicastenango. Torrey got some mechanics (or at least a couple guys who had socket wrenches) to inspect the brakes. Meanwhile Kellie and Tori popped out to do some shopping in the town's famous market place. They ended up being lead around by an annoying guide who somewhat detracted from their experience.
In Quetzaltenango, while we were contemplating where we should stay while the Gladiator was getting fixed, a guy walked by with his daughters and we struck up a conversation. We ended up staying with him and his family at their house. He took care of liaising with the mechanic the next day freeing us up to visit some hot pools in the mountains. There are some good sorts out there - and our new friend Charlie is one of them.
First we visited the famous market town of Chichicastenango. Torrey got some mechanics (or at least a couple guys who had socket wrenches) to inspect the brakes. Meanwhile Kellie and Tori popped out to do some shopping in the town's famous market place. They ended up being lead around by an annoying guide who somewhat detracted from their experience.
The ride to the Fuentes Georgina hot springs, through some beautiful highland scenery.